The Winter
Fritz Springmeier/The 13 Bloodlines of Illuminati Families
Stewart Swerdlow/13 Cubed, Amazon
Stewart Swerdlow/Blue Blood True Blood, Amazon
Gregory Klimov/The Terror Machine
Scott Lively, Kevin Abrams/The Pink Swastika, Amazon
Thomas Sheridan/Puzzling People: the Labyrinth of the Psychopath, Amazon
Edward Hendrie/Anitichrist Conspiracy, Inside the Devil’s Lair, PDF
William Cooper/Behold a Pale Horse, Amazon
John Coleman/The Commitee of 300, Amazon
William Lyne/Occult Science Dictatorship,The Official State Science Religion and How to Get Excommunicated, GoodReads
Albert Pikes/Moral and Dogma, sacred-text.com
David Livingstone/Black Terror White Soldiers: Islam, Fascism & the New Age, Amazon
James Billington/Fire in the Minds of Men, Amazon
Stephen E. Flowers/Fire & Ice: Magical Teachings of Germany's Greatest Secret Occult Order, Amazon
Texe Marrs, Codex Magica: Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, Amazon
Walter Lippman/Public Opinions, Google Books
Andrew Carrington Hitchcock/Synagogue of Satan, Amazon
Joost A. M. Meerloo, M.D./THE RAPE OF THE MIND: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing, Amazon
Patrick McNamara/Spirit Possession and Exorcism: History, Psychology, and Neurobiology, Amazon
Brice Taylor/Thanks for the Memories, Amazon
Cathy O’Brien/Trance-formation of America, Internet Archive
William Guy Carr/Pawns in the Game, Amazon
Eustace Mullins/Secrets of the Federal Reserve, Amazon
Gary Allen/the Rockefeller File, Amazon
Joseph P. Farrell/The Philosophers' Stone, Amazon
Joseph P. Farrell/Babylon's Banksters, Amazon
Joseph P. Farrell/Financial Vipers of Venice, Amazon
Joseph Farrell, Scott de Hart/Transhumanism, Amazon
Jonathan Black/L’histoire Secrete du Monde, Amazon
Daniel Ryder/Breaking the Circle of Satanic Ritual Abuse, Amazon
Fabian Therapy for Mind Control, PDF
Protocol of Learned Elders of Zion, PDF
Rudolf Steiner/Christianity As Mystical Fact, PDF
William Bramley/Gods of Eden, Amazon
David Astle/the Babylonian Woe, Amazon
Carroll Quigley/Tragedy and Hope, PDF
Philippa Faulks/the Masonic Magician, Amazon
Eliphas Levi/History of Magic, Amazon
August Bullock/Hidden Sales Pitch, Amazon
Duncan Foley/Adam's Fallacy, Harvard University Press
Miguel Conner,
Alice in Wonderland and the Occult
1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball
The Hidden Life of Marilyn Monroe
The Kennedys : The Elite Dynasty That Got Decimated
Alice, Oswald and Thirty-Three Little Masonic Pigs
Masonic Symbolism in David Lynch’s Mulholland Drive
Tulsi Gabbard
Congresswoman Says US Is Arming ISIS, Introduces Bill to Stop It
Peter-Robert Koenig
Ordo Templi Orientis Spermo Gnosis
Paul Joseph Watson
Rockefeller Admitted Elite Goal Of Microchipped Population
Ken Adachi
Review- The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Kathleen Sullivan
Aldous Huxley
Ron Patton
Project Monarch: Nazi Mind Control
Stack Jones
An Essay On The History Of Banking
Patrick Scrivener
the Lincoln Conspiracy Solved at Last
Tom E. Bearden
A Mind, Brain, Matter Model Consistent with Quantum Physics
Tina Foster
P.D. Newman
Phallism in Freemasonry, Fact or Fallacy
George Sauders
Soft Panorama
Ayn Rand and her Objectivism Cult
John Todd
John Todd's introduction to Atlas Shrugged
Atlas Shrugged Outlines The Illuminati Plan For World Takeover
Strategy Page
Death Ray Replaced By The Voice of God
Marty Hart-Landsberg, PhD
The Growth Of Monopoly Power
Corn, Tobacco, and Rice engineered with HUMAN GENES
Deborah Stambler
I Am a Ukrainian: Can You Be Viral and Anonymous?
Paul Craig Roberts
US and EU Are Paying Ukrainian Rioters and Protesters
Activist Post
George Soros, NATO, US Color Revolution Machine Behind Unrest in Macedonia
Free Ukraine Now
William Craddick
Italian Officials Call For Investigation Of George Soros Supported NGO Migrant Fleet
Organic Consumers Association
Fox News Persecutes Reporters Who Exposed Lies on Monsanto's rBGH
The Syrian Revolution - fake protest/Youtube
Syria : Fake Protests from the Very Beginning/Youtube
No War for Israel in Syria and Iran/Youtube
BBC International Terrorism since 1945/IMDb
The Rothschilds Own Charlie Hebdo/Youtube
Prophecy Club with ex FBI chief Ted Gunderson/Youtube
America: From Freedom to Facism/Youtube
Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed/Youtube
Dr. AP David: On The Laws Of Nature/Youtube
Tom Bearden: Radionics, Action at a distance/Youtube
Pulling Energy from the Vacuum/Youtube
SLAVOJ ŽIŽEK on the Desert of Post-Ideology/Youtube
The Corporation/Youtube
PSYCHIATRIE by Citizens' Commission on Human Right/Youtube
The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation/Youube
Satanism & The CIA -Ted Gunderson/Youtube
Qui est vraiment Emmanuel Macron?/Facebook
Neoliberalism and the City/Youtube
Austerity and Neoliberalism in Greece/Youtube
Randall Wray- Seminar on Macroeconomics/Youtube Channel
Kingston University- Becoming an Economist/Youtube Channel